Permit Training Requirements Changes in 2024
1. Long Gun Permit to Acquire - If you have completed the Hawaii Hunter Safety Education program or any Pre-2024 Affidavit Based Firearms Safety Training in the State of Hawaii by a NRA Basic Pistol Instructor within four (4) years of your Permit to Acquire a Long Gun Application you will satisfy the training requirement of SB1230.
NOTE: As of 5/14/24 if you have an Hunter Education Certificate issued under section 183D-28 that is valid for the life of the person you may us that Certificate to satisfy your training requirement for a Long Gun Permit to Acquire. See HB2342 for more info.
2. Handgun Permit to Acquire - Any training prior to 1/1/24 is no longer accepted for Handgun Permits to Acquire. You are now required to complete new Firearms Safety Training which is administered by a KPD Verified Firearms Instructor. Completing the updated KGC training for 2024 will satisfy the training requirements for both Long Gun and Handgun Permits to Acquire Applications
3. License to Carry (CCW Permits) - Any training prior to 1/1/24 is no longer accepted for License to Carry Applications. You are now required to complete new License to Carry Training which is administered by a KPD Verified Firearms Instructor. Completing the required training written test and passing the firearms proficiency (shooting) test for 2024 will satisfy the training and testing requirements for SB1230 regarding License to Carry.
FIRST TIME applying for a Permit to Acquire
You will need to apply in person at KPD. Bring the following with you:
1. Filled out KPD PERMIT TO ACQUIRE APPLICATION RELEASED ON 2/20/24 see pdf below
2. Government issued ID
3. Cashiers Check or Money Order for $43.25 payable "HI Criminal Justice Data Center" (If you did not apply for a permit since 2016)
4. Cashiers Check or Money Order for $43.25 payable "Director of Finance" (If you never applied for a permit prior to 2024)
5. Proof of training in the last fours years. Hunter Safety Education or Training Affidavit from a verified firearms instructor.
RENEWING your Permit to Acquire (if you already paid the $43.25 between 2016 and 2023). If you didn't follow the guidance in the section above for first timers)
2. Upload an image of your government issued ID
3. Upload an image of proof of training in the last fours years. Hunter Safety Education or Training Affidavit from a verified firearms instructor.
4. Follow up with the KPD Firearms Clerk if you do not get a personalized response via email noting the estimated date your permit application will be ready.
LICENSE TO CARRY Permit Applications
You will need to apply in person at KPD. Bring the following with you:
1. Filled out KPD LICENSE TO CARRY APPLICATION released on 2/26/24
2. Government issued ID
3. Cashiers Check or Money Order for $150.00 payable "Director of Finance" (One check per application and one application per handgun)
4. Filled out CERTIFICATION OF VERIFIED FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR... 134-9(f) (one per application)
5. Filled out KPD CARRY PROFICIENCY QUALIFICATION FORM (one per application)
6. Copy of the FIREARMS REGISTRATION of the pistol you are applying for. (the handgun must be registered to the applicant)
3990 Ka‘ana Street, Suite 200
Lihue, HI 96766
Firearms Clerk
(808) 241-1663
Window Hours:
Monday - Friday 8a-3:00p
Saturday, Sunday and State Holidays closed